The Proceedings of the 36th Annual Intraplanetary Conference
on EMLang Linguistics and Intersentient Communications (EML-IC)

Keynote Work (EMLinguistics): A complete formalization of EMLang grammar...


Relevant Antecedents (EML-IC-32, 35): BODY LANGUAGE, I & II

Important Information for EML-IC Conference Participants and Speakers (36th ed.)
KEYNOTE WORK (EMLinguistics).
 “A complete formalization of EMLang grammar: metaphorical syntax, verbless TAME-indicative syllables, agglutinative morphology, and phrase-referents.” L., Y.R. and J., J.P. 
This year’s EMLinguistics keynote authors Y.R.L. and J.P.J. will deliver their keynote address on the first day of the conference at 8am sharp. Due to the unusual nature of the work, they have generously agreed to give a short “pre-keynote address” reviewing the current academic understanding of EMLinguistics. This will take place the day before the conference at 3:30pm sharp.
To accompany this pre-keynote address, we have chosen to release the first half of this year’s EMLinguistics keynote work as an unofficial excerpt which can be found here. DO NOT circulate this document outside of the conference. 

“LINGUISTIC SINGULARITY EMERGENCE: intersentient EMLang-induced ritual thought-space convergence through multilayered linguistic structures.” RANG. 
This year’s H-EMIS keynote will occur immediately following the EMLinguistics keynote. It will be delivered by the researcher RANG, the inaugural recipient of the Global Prize for Excellence in Human-EMLang Interaction Studies. To contextualize this work, RANG has compiled relevant artifacts from their antecedent works BODY LANGUAGE, I & II (EML-IC-32, RANG; EML-IC-35, RANG, L., Y.R., and J., J.P.) here

The organizers of EML-IC are committed to making Human-Experiential Digital EMLang Speech accessible to all conference participants. This year there are seven (7) HE–DEMS Ex-Machs (v3.0) available for somatic demonstration purposes. Please contact your EML-IC coordinator immediately if your talk includes HE-DEMS demonstrations and you were not assigned an Ex-Mach. 

All Ex-Machs must be operated by the speaker; if you cannot show proof of Ex-Mach Operations Clearance Level 2 or above, you will not be assigned one, even if your talk includes HE-DEMS demonstrations.